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January 20, 2014 - Awkward word bubble and tails placement to once again obscure nipples. Hopefully this is still easy enough to follow.

Over the weekend I found this map grading each state in terms of how it treats women, and overall the results are both depressing and unsurprising. Basically the only states worth living in are California and Washington and maybe Oregon and Maryland (look at the rather significant distinction between A+, A, and everything else if you think B is acceptable). I'm mildly surprised Arizona and Massachusetts are just as bad as each other as Arizona seems to be striving to get worse and Massachusetts makes empty promises about getting better, but clearly not all is lost in Arizona while Massachusetts could stand to put some action behind its empty promises (not blaming a certain Senator Warren, but I think I've made it known I'd like advocates of her running for president to stop because she's in a position to maybe do something about this, ran on it as a part of her campaign, and her "home" state is "c"rap about woman's rights).

Anyway, I stumbled upon this map through a somewhat controversial feminist "leader" (those quotation marks being probably worthy of heavy emphasis), Charles Clymer, who posted this article to Buzzfeed making claims about false allegations of rape (note, accusations not convictions) that are impossible to verify because he doesn't provide sources, and I'm pretty sure are untrue. Considering his numbers of one in four women being sexually assaulted he provides (this number is actually also in dispute, and though this guy is uncomfortable calling himself a feminist though he obviously is one this video explains the dispute, concluding the number is between 1 in 4 and 1 in 11, with this study indicating an incidence of 1 in 6 which is in line with other recent studies (and curiously includes that specific 1 in 33 number regarding male rape victims) which seems trivial when you're not trying to be exploitative and alarmist, which I think Mr. Clymer may be)), a 16% chance of an assault being reported (I think it's way higher but I'll use that study I already linked to to indulge him with a low percentage), and a 2-8% chance of a false report (he referrences this in the video linked below), the lowest the number could be is about .05% or one in two thousand. That's still pretty unlikely and way more unlikely than a false report as well as the last item on his list, being a male victim of rape (the specificity of which I've already discussed, but Clymer's pretty passionate about this item in particular as he himself was unfortunately a victim. And that possibly explains part of the problem with Clymer, he's become so focused on justice for himself, he's begun obscuring facts and bullying people to meet his agenda instead of approaching things more honestly and objectively), but one in two thousand is a pretty far cry from one in 2.7 million.

I think conversation is incredibly important to bringing about change for women, it's why I'm extremely lax when it comes to censoring my comment section. I don't particularly want to be a leader, but I'd love to inspire others to become leaders or find their own way to get involved. I don't think feminism should be argued but shared, and though the comic can get pretty dramatic I try to remain positive or never get any more negative than matter-of-fact or disappointed (never angry) when discussing things on this site. I'm certainly not perfect, and despite the link I posted earlier Clymer actually does okay in this debate once you get to the 25 minute mark (though I spent much of the first 25 minutes screaming at him that the hole in his opponent's argument is that he's conflating isolated incidents with the feminist movement as a whole and though Clymer uses examples to demonstrate this it takes him a while to state why he's using his examples, ultimately this debate seems to backfire with many personal attacks and irrelevant statements that turn the last half of the video into a trainwreck which mostly makes the mra look rather childish and the fact the view counter has been turned off seems to indicate it wasn't as effective at proving their argument as AVFM had hoped).

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