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August 11, 2022 - So panel 3 was an idea I had in my head for a while, even though actually drawing it intimidated me. I think it turned out well.

Meanwhile, I guess I should say something about the Dobbs decision. It's hard to be surprised when I've been trying to ring the alarm bells about this since starting the comic, so it's been interesting to see the surprise so many people seem to feel about this. Ultimately as I've always stressed through what I've written in this comic, this isn't actually about the big picture implications as much as the individuals who will be affected and hurt by this ruling. Everyone deserves bodily autonomy and the freedom to make their own descisions about their life and person. This ruling doesn't reflect that and it's particularly notable that the majority decision just sidesteps this argument entirely. Eventually there will be a similar situation to what befell Savita Halappanavar in Ireland that will reverse this, but that means an individual needs to suffer unnecessarily to get there, and it needs to be a true worst case scenario. There will be many others who will also suffer as a result. Unfortunately I don't have the mental capacity right now to vet a particular charity and direct you to where you can go to offer support, but if you are willing and able to seek out organizations trying to help, I encourage you to do so.

On that note, I'm still in grief, so I'm not gonna commit to any kind of update schedule. Thank you for your understanding.

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