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May 23, 2022 - I realize it's super cringy, but Victoria's line in panel 2 is one of my favorite things I've ever written (probably because it's super cringy).

Also if you've been living under a rock, everything regarding abortion in the US is looking pretty bad right now and like many of you I'm not sure what to do. I think the only way we see through this is continuing to be supportive of those who seek, have had, and provide abortions as well as continuing to vote for and advocate for politicians to do the same. It took anti-abortionists 50 years to tear down this law due largely to complacency, so as long as we stay active it should only take a fraction of that time to restore and improve the law to much more thoughtful and compassionate legislation that more accurately reflects the realities of abortion and the necessity of making it easy to access.

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