"With Fetus" copyright (c) 2012-2019 D. Murphy and Emily Ansara Baines. All original content and characters copyright (c) 2012-2019 D. Murphy and Emily Ansara Baines unless otherwise indicated.
January 4, 2021 - Happy New Year! So at this point this entire storyline is written. Just need to draw and post it ...so, we'll see how that happens. Still experimenting a bit with paneling. I like how this came out and that I actually remembered to draw Star's gunshot scar.
In the meantime, I recorded this off a script I wrote maybe 5 years ago. It's intended as a fiction podcast that would examine toxic masculinity in the superhero genre, so not that related to With Fetus. I probably need to rerecord it and maybe not do all the voices myself (recasting Sammy and Mona in particular). Still would like some feedback so give it a listen if you have the chance: