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July 4, 2013 - As stated above, many of the upcoming comics will deal with storylines regarding rape. I'm going to try my best to make note of any comics specifically in the archive (and I possibly should go back and amend some pages to include trigger warnings), but in the interest of finding a compromise that is both sensitive to survivors of rape and not spoiling future storylines, I've decided to put up a trigger warning at the top of the main page as well as place this paragraph at the top of the blog with considerable lead time before the comics depicting such situations are posted.

This probably explains part of Star's aversion to polyamory. One of the fun things with this storyline was figuring out what characters looked like when they were younger. I'm kinda bummed I didn't get to draw Star with braces in this comic, but otherwise young Star was one of my favorite designs even though she's basically Garth from Wayne's World.

I wish July 4th didn't have so much questionable legislation going on. Yesterday, North Carolina snuck some new policies regarding abortion onto a completely unrelated bill, only adding to Texas' attempt to limit access to abortion with stringent new laws and Ohio's legislative changes to insist upon medically unnecessary invasive ultrasounds just to shame women and increase the cost of such procedures (though I imagine the doctors required to provide such procedures will be as sensitive as possible). I'm kinda counting the days til the 2014 elections which I'm optimistic will push such lawmakers out of office.

I'll also draw attention to Rhode Island's efforts to try to introduce pro-life license plates. 20 states already offer such vanity license plates which as the Rhode Island governor notes dangerously blurs the line between government and religion, not to mention questions about the organizations these plates fund. To be fair, Planned Parenthood isn't without scrutiny, but to offer one option without the other seems to fly in the face of offering freedom and speech and expression. Rep. Doreen Costa's assertion that "If you don't want it, don't buy it. Nobody's forcing you to buy this. It's your decision. Again, it's your choice," seems particularly insensitive considering that the license plates profess a viewpoint advocating that people should not have a choice, so how exactly is not buying such a license plate an adequate solution when you're claiming not having an abortion is not?

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