May 21, 2013 - I originally didn't expect Theresa to be so bitter and angry, but I guess technically her attitude is a manifestation of Jennifer's own feelings on her own life and Theresa's situation. Plus it's not like having such feelings would be unjustified.
Really I just wanted to better establish some of Theresa's fears about coming forward with her assault to Jennifer that prevented her from fully disclosing the circumstances of the pregnancy that led to the botched abortion that ultimately killed Theresa. I think one of the dangers of a sex positive attitude is that though sex can and should always be great, it isn't always the case and by denying that reality everyone from people who genuinely do not enjoy sex (yes, i'm pretty sure people like this exist) to victims of sexual assault can have their voices invalidated and silenced as they're led to believe there's something wrong with them for not enjoying sex. I just don't know if a sex positive attitude helps or hurts the ability of victims of assault to come forward, and I think the potential benefits and concerns of promoting sex positive ideas really should be discussed in more depth by advocats of that lifestyle. In Theresa's situation, a sex positive response from Jennifer did not help, but I'm not sure that applies universally. Also I find it somewhat interesting that though I definitely think Jennifer was sex positive in college, I'd hesistate to describe her that way now, but more elaboration on Jennifer's history that may have shaped her changing viewpoints is upcoming and I'd rather not spoil it.