May 17, 2013 - Yes, Jennifer's dad is a pharmacist. I'm kinda surprised I haven't done more with this considering the number of storylines involving birth control that could take place at pharmacy counters, but ultimately this was intended as a contributing factor to Jennifer's not promptly getting birth control after her pregnancy was conceived as she was fearful that word would get back to her dad about her sexual behavior and she wanted to avoid any awkwardness (which obviously may not have been the most responsible way of dealing with things). As much as access has improved for birth control, there's nothing to guarantee that pharmacists won't be judgmental assholes (not to say Jennifer's father is anything less than the father of the year, even though the comic above shows that he is clearly nowhere close to worthy of such an award). I should point out though that most pharmacists I've ever met have been nice and not the least bit judgmental but if there's an exception somewhere, Jen's dad is it.