More Information about Women's Health Care Providers:
-Planned Parenthood Official Website
-Description of Services and Options
-Locate an Abortion Provider
-State by State Abortion Laws

September 26, 2012

September 26, 2012 - The fundraiser's still going on at indiegogo and will continue until October 6th. At which point the next step begins or your donations will be refunded. Please contribute.

Today Dr. Gregory has a cameo in Leftover Soup by Tailsteak. So check it out if you're not already visiting this site from his. Wish I had a comic that wasn't hammering home the indecisiveness of Kristen's character and won't make a whole lot of sense out of context (and even then doesn't quite make sense in context til this storyline is complete). But I've said a bunch already with earlier comics' blogs about domestic abuse and my intent with this storyline. So no need to get repetitive when I can encourage people to check out the archive.

Meanwhile, if you or someone you know is suffering domestic abuse, The Domestic Violence Hotline can be contacted at their website, Or you can contact them by phone at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY (1-800-787-3224).



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"With Fetus" copyright D Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines, all characters and original content copyright D. Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines unless otherwise indicated.