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-State by State Abortion Laws

June 8, 2012

June 8, 2012 - And we finally have patients! I'll be talking more about Steve and Brianna next week, but I should mention that in regards to her shirt, yes, Brianna is a mother seeking an abortion. In fact a majority of women who choose to have abortions are mothers (I think roughly 60%), so most pro-life arguments claiming that the majority of women having abortions don't understand the responsibility of raising a child don't hold a lot of water. That percentage of women clearly knows the difficulty of raising a child, and thinks that an abortion is their best option in light of their knowledge.

But a lot of pro-life arguments obviously seem to fall apart once you start researching them in my opinion, so instead I'm gonna focus on the introduction of Jennifer's mother (and her yellow umbrella *wink*).

Like I said yesterday, an important foundation of any relationship is communication, and clearly there are some communication problems between her and Luke. He barely listens here, and does little to comfort her, not even willing to accompany her inside (unlike Steve, though again we'll get to them next week). I have big plans for Jennifer's parents moving forward and establishing this disconnect is very important towards developing the basis for the dangers a lack of communication can create that I wish to explore with their characters.

Jennifer's mother likes her husband to make decisions for her, and the way women are treated in society and media, I don't feel that's an uncommon expectation women place on relationships. It's not even necessarily a bad thing if he makes decisions in her best interest and remains attentive to needs she may be neglecting or not voicing (such as possibly finding the strength to make her own decisions). But it also has the potential to make her vulnerable and open to abuse. I don't think many of these women even recognize the abuse after a certain period of time, and Jennifer's mother vaguely serves as one possible example of what can happen in that situation. But I don't want to talk too much about potential future storylines, before they happen. So all I'll say is that I really like the possibilities of her character, and can't wait to do more with her in the future.

Anyway, have a good weekend. See you next week.


"With Fetus" copyright D Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines, all characters and original content copyright D. Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines unless otherwise indicated.