More Information about Women's Health Care Providers:
-Planned Parenthood Official Website
-Description of Services and Options
-Locate an Abortion Provider
-State by State Abortion Laws

May 8, 2012

May 8, 2012 - I don't know why, but I got a lot of amusement out of having Star eating a banana during this comic. In general I hate drawing characters with their hands at their sides as I feel it makes them look stiff, so I frequently try to find excuses to give them props. I'm less than thirty comics in, and so far I've already drawn Star consuming three completely different items in comics where she's appeared. I think there's a high probability that Star's a smoker, and her constant fixation on snacking is her way of coping with a smoke-free environment.

Anyway, as should be obvious Star isn't the most delicate person around the emotions of the staff (notice we've yet to see her interact like this with a patient, so her level of professionalism around patients has yet to be revealed), but she's generally of the opinion of getting things out in the open, which obviously causes conflict with more guarded personalities such as Ellie and Aaron. I could probably say more, but I don't want to give anything away about tomorrow's comic, which explores a similar theme and delves a bit deeper.

...while of course, still trying to stay lighthearted.

"With Fetus" copyright D Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines, all characters and original content copyright D. Murphy & Emily Ansara Baines unless otherwise indicated.